Explain Various International Commodity Agreements Pdf

International commodity agreements have been an integral part of global trade for decades. These agreements are designed to promote fair trade practices, ensure stable prices, and provide stability to commodity markets. There are several international commodity agreements covering various products and commodities traded in the global market. In this article, we will explain different international commodity agreements in a PDF format.

International Coffee Agreement

The International Coffee Agreement (ICA) is an agreement between coffee producing and consuming nations. The agreement aims to promote sustainable coffee production, improve market transparency, and ensure a stable price for coffee producers. The ICA was first established in 1962 and has been renewed several times. Currently, the third version of the ICA is in effect.

International Cocoa Agreement

The International Cocoa Agreement, established in 1972, governs the production and trade of cocoa beans and cocoa products globally. The agreement aims to stabilize cocoa prices for both producers and consumers, promote sustainable cocoa production, and improve market transparency. The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) monitors and implements the agreement.

International Sugar Agreement

The International Sugar Agreement (ISA) is an agreement between sugar-producing and consuming countries. The ISA aims to ensure stable prices for both producers and consumers, eliminate trade barriers, and promote sustainable sugar production. The agreement was first established in 1968 and has been renewed several times. The latest version of the ISA came into effect in 2020.

International Wheat Agreement

The International Wheat Agreement (IWA) was established in 1949 and aims to regulate the global wheat trade. The agreement aims to ensure fair prices for wheat producers and consumers, provide market stability, and promote sustainable wheat production. The IWA has been renewed several times, with the most recent version in effect from 2013 to 2020.

International Rubber Agreement

The International Rubber Agreement (IRA) regulates the global trade of natural rubber. The agreement aims to promote fair trade practices, stabilize rubber prices, and promote sustainable rubber production. The IRA was first established in 1979 and has been renewed several times. The latest version of the IRA came into effect in 2021.


International commodity agreements play a crucial role in ensuring fair trade practices, promoting sustainable production, and stabilizing prices for both producers and consumers. These agreements cover various agricultural products and commodities traded in the global market, and they aim to establish a stable and predictable trading environment for all stakeholders. The PDF format of these agreements helps to make them accessible to all interested parties and ensures easy dissemination of information. As a professional, it is essential to understand the significance of international commodity agreements. By providing clear and concise explanations of these agreements in PDF format, we can help promote transparency and understanding for all interested individuals.